Emotion As Vectors, A Definition of Anxiety, and A 9th Concept

This is a collection of a model of emotion meant to move concepts in Bowen Theory toward more model able definitions. Bowen Theory is an important set of ideas that stands against a few key points in mainstream research and clinical psychology. For example, that family functioning is integral to individual functioning and vice versa, a new definition of anxiety, and that human functioning has more to do with what is common with the rest of life than what is unique to the species. However, the theory itself that explains how those points are so remains broadly undemonstrated.

This presentation is a small step to move some ideas in the theory toward greater precision. Ultimately a goal is to make them more modelable, which is the common currency of “proof” in science. Modern neuroscience research along with advances in modeling techniques from the Collective Behavior and the Collective Intelligence research has much to offer. This presentation is a synthesis of those advancements, made possible by observations on the facts of meditation about the individual emotional system along with the original intention of C.G. Jung’s Archetype Concept into a 9th concept of Bowen Theory.

The image in this post is from J.R.R. Tolkien’s Silmarillion, and shows Earendil’s Ship Vingelot approaching Valenor. Valenor is Tolkien’s version of Heaven. This image is included here as an example of an image that is virtually accepted as a “good” phenomenon. This ties into some ideas for a 9th concept of Bowen Theory included in this presentation.

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