App and Bowen Theory Discussion Forum Launched

The Family Diagram app has needed a discussion forum for some time now. There are so many topics that users wonder about and no way ask, read more, and learn from others’ work. The Family Diagram discussion forum has been launched for this reason.

The discussion forum is now the main way to ask for help using the app. Please create an account and feel free to post any question you like. There really no “bad questions.”

Post questions about the app in the Using the App category. Instructions for submitting support requests are pinned to the top of that category.

There is also a category called Bowen Theory. Feel free to post any question or topic about Bowen Theory. Admins will respond where applicable and moderate any issues.

On a societal note

Bowen Theory has never had an online presence. There are definitely disadvantages to high-frequency, low-consequences communication like forums, chat, Facebook groups, etc, But there is also no way for the ideas to spread as quickly as they might. Further, there is very little engagement between Bowen Theory and the infinite ways of seeing similar issues that proliferate at exponential pace through modern means.

Publishing Murray Bowen’s and Micheal Kerr’s videos for free on the Bowen Center website was one step to improve this situation. Bowen’s Basic Series is a wonderfully simple and straightforward introduction to the theory repeated viewing helps simplify and sharpen ones own thinking. The Bowen-Kerr Interview Series expands the basics into supplemental topics.

The Family Diagram app helps concretize Bowen Theory in a modern way. But some kind of online interaction is also needed to speed up communication and the proliferation of ideas. While this forum is a very small start, a hope is that the app and a forum can help charge thinking and discussion about family systems.

Now to figure out how to get it used…

Click here for the forum

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