Example Research and Development Program Proposal
Most thinking about research in Bowen Theory occurs at the theoretical level. This is understandable considering almost all of the applicable literature on Bowen Theory
Most thinking about research in Bowen Theory occurs at the theoretical level. This is understandable considering almost all of the applicable literature on Bowen Theory
The field of Clinical Psychology has no broad, predictive theory to diagnose and guide the treatment of behavioral problems. Bowen theory is one attempt to
The kindergarten of organizing data on family emotional process.
This article is an attempt to describe the essential concept of induction in science, how Bowen Theory needs truly inductive research, and how the motive behind the
This is a collection of a model of emotion meant to move concepts in Bowen Theory toward more model able definitions. Bowen Theory is an
This video covers using tags to stack horizontal rows of events in the visual timeline for comparison. It also reviews adding tags to events to
One important requirement for Bowen theory in science is a standardized methodology with which to track what theory describes as “emotional process.” This is a
This presentation is the culmination of about four years of presentations and discussions about how to test the propositions of Bowen Theory in a manner
Here is a video describing an first essential step in entering a case into a family diagram. An essential first step in making use of
In this video, Katherine Kott, Ph.D. MSLS, interviews Laura Havstad, Ph.D., and Patrick Stinson, Psy.D. on the topic of clinical research and the Family Diagram