Dr Laura Havstad: Family Practice and Research Using Family Diagram
The ultimate goal of Family Diagram is to assist the motivated family systems thinker to better see what has been in front of their eyes
The ultimate goal of Family Diagram is to assist the motivated family systems thinker to better see what has been in front of their eyes
Family Diagram is an ideal tool for remote video systems coaching. This post outlines ways to improve on traditional note taking and diagramming methods through the unique advantages of remote video coaching.
There currently exists no data set through which to effectively communicate the case for the family as an emotional unit to mainstream science. In fact,
This is an introduction to some broad theoretical thinking I have had over the last few years. It attempts to: Describe what it is a
How you understand a problem determines what you do to solve it. The accuracy of that understanding determines the efficacy of your solution. How then,
This article is taken from my 2020 dissertation which attempted to clarify the paradigm of emotional systems that a theory must exist in to be compared with Bowen theory. The ideas have been subsequently been updated but this written chapter is the most verbose and detailed description.
I could argue that it was Bowen’s research methodology which yielded the novel observation that the family is an emotional unit, and possibly the correct
This paper represents a very brief overview of Integral Psychology and Systems Thinking as two theoretical and practical systems which attempt to define a relationship
This paper looks at the presence of systems philosophy in the increasingly multidisciplinary fields of neuroscience and collective behavior. A brief history of systems philosophy